Updated Date: 09/09/2024
Company Name: Bi. Enterprises
Once the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) and time estimation is confirmed, our focus will shift to designing the website’s user interface (UI) (If included). Initially, we will present three designs, and if the customer requests an additional design, we will incorporate their feedback. The overall estimated time for the design phase is 1-2 weeks. Upon design confirmation, our development team will initiate the process by registering or transferring the domain to hostmargin’s service. Additionally, a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) domain will be provided for clients to view website updates during presentations.
The development phase, encompassing both frontend(If included) and backend. After development completion, the team will share an initial UAT system for content and information confirmation. Any required updates will be addressed, and the revised UAT will be resubmitted within the next week. Once the cycle is completed and client confirmation is received, the website will transition from the UAT to the production system, becoming live for all users under our domain name.
The quote includes a 1-year Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) during which we will handle modifications and updates to the website, such as image and content changes. For tasks or requirements that exceed an estimated time of 4 hours, there will be a charge of Rs.950 per hour.
W.e.f. 09/09/2024, it is mandatory for every application to include at least a 1-year AMC. Existing clients and partners will not incur any charges for renewing services. However, if a client or partner wishes to move their services from Bi. Enterprises, they will be required to pay the AMC amount for the last year in order to obtain credentials and other relevant information.
After confirming the Software Requirements Specification (SRS). We are excited to move forward with the website development, beginning with the UI design phase and subsequent development. Your feedback on the presented designs is highly valued, and we aim to create a website that aligns seamlessly with your vision. We appreciate your trust in our team. Looking forward to a collaborative and successful journey.
Why Pay AMC if No Updates Were Made on the Website/Application?
At Bi. Enterprises, our development team performs essential monthly maintenance tasks even if no visible updates or changes are requested. These tasks include software and plugin updates, applying security patches, and ensuring the website or application remains secure, stable, and fully functional. This proactive maintenance helps to avoid potential issues and ensures that your website stays active and up-to-date with the latest industry standards.